Ellie Bryant

Ellie Bryant

Creative Executive Assistant, Project Manager & Dance Instructor

Birthday: October 15th

3 Phrases that describe my dance background:

1. I have been dancing since I was only 2 years old!!

2. I have a B.A. degree in Dance with a concentration in contemporary modern dance from Kennesaw State University.

3. I am officially certified in Acrobatic Arts & helping with the Acro program at Rhythm!

Rhythm Role:  Graphics & Dance Instructor

Years Working/Teaching at Rhythm: 4th season at RDC!

Fun Fact: My photo is on the front page of a UGA children's book "I Want to Go!" but I married a Georgia Tech grad.

Favorite Rhythm Year-End Show: Rhythm Story!!

When I am not at Rhythm, I’m being a full time mama! I love to hang out with my family, bake, read new books, and travel.