Riley Rice

Riley Rice

Dance Instructor

Birthday: February 12

3 phrases that describe my dance background:

1. I tried out Rhythm in fourth grade and had so much fun in Mrs. Beth’s jazz class! I then started Spotlight for two years and tried out a bunch of different styles!

2. I started Connection Performing Company in Seventh grade, and this will now be my sixth year in company here at Rhythm, competing and dancing styles of hip hop, jazz, tap, and ballet.

3. I started assisting last year with K-12th ages and loved it! I got the first Assistant of the Year Award at the end of last season and couldn’t be more grateful! I’m so excited to now get to teach during my final year here.

Rhythm Role: I'm teaching preschool Twirl Lilac and Hip Hop & Pop!

Years Teaching at Rhythm: This will be my first year teaching and second year assisting!

Fun Fact: I played Gaston in Camp Rhythm in 2017

Favorite Rhythm Year-End Show: Rhythm and The Beast

When not at Rhythm, I’m probably studying or hanging out with my friends!